Looking for ideas on where to travel next?

We’ve got the answers! So stick around and we’ll give you some ideas.

Why book with Sojourn?

These days, it’s more important than ever to have a trusted travel planning partner.

Experts In Travel

Travel is complicated.  And you need an experienced travel planning partner.  We are not only expert planners, we’re experienced travelers ourselves so we can plan your trips using personal knowledge & experience.

We’re There For You

There is never a problem until there is a problem.  The bottom line is, when the going gets tough, we’re here for you.  That means you talk to us, not a call center, a bot, or an inexperienced travel agent who never travels.


Clients have been trusting us to handle their travel since 1984.  Without integrity, we would have nothing.  We are now entering our 4th decade of business and continue to maintain the highest level of integrity.

Let’s face it. Travel is complicated.

Your vacation won’t be a proper one if things go awry.

So don’t let any travel mishaps join you on your trip. Let us craft the perfect vacation for you. Choose to use our custom travel planning services so you can make sure that Mr. & Mrs. Mishap aren’t stowaways in your suitcase.

About Sojourn

Sojourn Travel was founded in 1984 and has been providing travel services to clients from around the world for over 3 decades. You can learn a bit more about us here.

Travel Advisors

Sure, of course, we’re travel advisors. We’re also referred to as travel planners and travel designers – there are many names for us these days and they all fit.


But perhaps more importantly, we’re travelers too! Just like you. That means that we’re actually experienced in everything that we’re talking to you about.

As a result of our expertise in the art of travel, our clients trust us to assist them with their travel plans….over and over and over!  Because let’s face it.  Travel is complicated!  Especially post-pandemic.  What if there is another one? It’s easy to buy a simple airline ticket online.  But for anything more complicated what you really need is someone with experience in your corner.  Someone that you can have an actual discussion with versus only being able to type out your questions or problems inside an online chatbox on some random website.

Our Promise To You…

Every journey planned by Sojourn is crafted by human hands – specifically, ours.

No chatbots, no novices, no people who have never traveled – just decades of experience and a pinch of fun!

Find Us

We are a 100% virtual company because, well….our team travels too!  Proximity does not have to be a factor in choosing a travel agency. We work with clients all over the world and we easily communicate by phone, email, and Zoom, regardless of where any of us happen to be.

  • info@sojourntravel.com
  • 866-879-7375
  • Need our mailing address? Pretty old school, but you can find that on our Contact page.